Course curriculum

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    • Introductions and Instructions

    • Learning Objectives

    • Why Learn about the Illinois Energy Conservation Code?

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    Before You Jump into Energy Code

    • What is the Illinois Energy Conservation Code?

    • Residential or Commercial?

    • What Climate Zone Is My Building In?

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    Definitions & Major Changes

    • Terms Defined for Illinois Energy Conservation Code: Residential Provision

    • 2021 IECC Major Changes

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    Approval Process & Compliance Paths

    • The Approval/Permit Process

    • Residential Code Compliance Options

    • Total Building Performance Option (R405)

    • ERI Compliance Alternative (R406)

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    Additional Efficiency Package Options & Phius Compliance Option

    • Additional Efficiency Package Options (R408)

    • Illinois Amendment - Phius Alternative Compliance Option (R409)

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    Prescriptive Compliance Option

    • Compliance Certificate (R401.3)

    • Thermal Envelope (R402): Vapor Retarders, Insulation & Fenestration

    • Thermal Envelope: Air Leakage (R402.4)

    • Mechanical Systems (R403)

    • Mechanical Systems: Controls, Service Hot Water Systems (R403)

    • Lighting Systems (R404)

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    Final Quiz and Feedback Survey

    • Final Quiz

    • Feedback Survey